Monday, February 2, 2009

2 Four Year Olds; One Week!

Shortly before Christmas, we had a visit from the Hennigars. Between Dawn's visit, the Hennigar's visit, our trip to Connecticut and my parents trip here, we actually had guests or were guests from mid-November to mid-January and it was a lot of fun. We like showing people around and it motivates us to see more of Greenville and the surrounding area.

It was great to see the girls together - they picked up just where they left off in July even without the third amigo, Sophie. Isabelle has lots of imaginary friends who travel with us and, usually, Hayley and Sophie are among them.

We had a busy week with trips to the aquarium in Atlanta, Monkey Joe's, some of the Blue Ridge in addition to Isabelle's usual schedule. By the end of the week, everyone was exhausted but also looking forward to the next visit.

One of our discoveries during their visit was take out from Bucky's BBQ. Bucky's is only about 5 minutes from our house and has great BBQ pork, ribs and chicken. The guys went out one night to get takeout and came home with a mountain of food including sides of potato salad, coleslaw, mac and cheese, baked beans, green beans, cucumber salad and sweet potatoes which lasted us two meals. I am not a fan of sweet potatoes but with that much butter, brown sugar and pecans, who could go wrong.
The requisite tub shotBunking in for the nightAt Monkey Joe'sCrafts at the aquariumIn the tunnelIn front of "the wall"Running around by the World of Coke - there was a skating rink across the street in Olympic Park - something to do next yearWe had good weather, some cool days but lots of sun
The girls at Caesars Head

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